Educating and Advocating for Mental Health


Welcome! My name is Laura, and I am so happy you’re here! I graduated from Michigan State University with a degree in English and a concentration in creative writing. My cognate focused on psychology and sociology. I am currently pursuing an MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.

Ever since I was a little kid, I have experienced anxiety and depression. It was not until high school that I started learning about what exactly anxiety and depression is and how I can go about helping myself by learning and implementing new techniques. My passion is helping others learn to do the same thing. I do way better understanding and accepting what my brain is doing to me when I know the facts and science behind it. My goal is to help others learn about anxiety and depression and help them realize it is not a flaw in who they are. 

Perfectly Imperfect offers scientific facts mixed with my personal experiences to help others understand the impacts anxiety and depression have on many people’s lives. I do not claim to be an expert on these conditions (yet), however I have much experience dealing with these two conditions. I only wish to help spread awareness and information about mental disorders such as these. I hope you find some answers and helpful explanations in this blog.